Generate high-quality phone calls for new real estate agents in each out-of-state region.


6 Months


The company wanted to capture 10% of out-of-state regional markets for their new agents. As part of this effort, a successful Google Ads campaign in each market was a must. The company needed to assert itself with property owners in the region to generate leads for new agents for each out-of-state region.

Strategy (Overview)

This client wanted to show detailed ads to highlight the merits of each residential and commercial property leads on the Google Network. The client also requested to display ads to showcase each property.

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Best performing ads:

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  • The team used search ads which used keywords to match the user’s interests.
  • Each campaign had an ad pointing to the client’s specific landing page.
  • The “Find An Agent” call to action opens to the landing page and the user can either make a phone call or submit a form to get in contact with the agent. This was a very healthy campaign, with a very healthy ad impression size of 10B+ views.
  • After generating quality link clicks and phone calls, we created a similar campaign for remarketing.

Key Metrics

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Budget: $4000 Per Month


Solution (Campaigns Used):

Dynamic Ads: Pulling content from the website into the ads.

Search Ads: Finding people who are intentionally looking for a realtor. Remarketing Ads: Reminding visitors to return to their respective agent’s landing page to finalize a phone call

The Google Ads team actively optimized each campaign to achieve optimal results.

Final Outcome:

This resulted in new leads for each agent in their respective regions. The team is actively optimizing each campaign for the regions that are not seeing results. The ideal goal was to reach more clients in each region within the company’s set budget, which was accomplished.