Generate high-quality phone calls for each location.


4 Years (Ongoing)


The facility needed phone calls for their 3 locations in South Florida; Aventura, Brickell, and Kendall. They had a tough time generating phone calls and leads.

Strategy (Overview)

This client wanted to grow the number of storage bookings on their website or through a phone agent. The team decided to set up a Google My Business (GMB) search campaign optimized for each individual storage facility location.

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This strategy did two things, it targeted people who showed interest in home improvement and it targeted people who were in the local area.

Best performing ads:

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  • The team used search ads which used keywords to match the user’s interests.
  • Each campaign had an ad pointing to the client’s specific landing page.
  • This was a very healthy campaign with a very healthy ad impression size of 420k+ views.
  • After generating quality link clicks and phone calls, we created a similar campaign for remarketing.

Key Metrics

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Budget: $3500 Per Month


Solution (Campaigns Used):

Search Ads: Finding people who are intentionally looking for the client’s services.

Remarketing Ads: Reminding visitors to return to their respective landing page to finalize a phone call/conversion action.

The Google Ads team actively optimized each campaign to achieve optimal results.

Final Outcome:

We were able to generate new leads for each storage facility in their respective locations.